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Is everything actually vegan?
We do our best to ensure that the products listed are vegan. We do not contact the manufacturer to confirm whether a product is vegan. We do what vegans are accustomed to doing - scouring the ingredients or materials table on the back of a product and avoiding any of those bolded words like milk, leather, milk powder - you get the idea. Please do not use Buy Vegan as a complete authority on vegan products (yet!) - use your own judgement to ensure that the products are vegan.
Who chooses what products are listed?
You! Well, you have the power to submit any product to the site by clicking the 'submit a product' button on any page. Enter details about the product and it will be sent to Buy Vegan for review. We'll moderate it and once approved it will be added to the site.
How can I submit a product?
Simply click the 'submit a product' button on any page and enter the details about your product. It will be sent to Buy Vegan for review. We'll moderate it and once approved it will be added to the site.
Where can I see my product submissions and their status?
Make sure you've created an account (if you haven't created an account, see below). In there you can access your dashboard where you'll be able to see all of your submitted products.
What do I do if I see a product that is not vegan?
Please let us know! Send an email to josh(at)buyvegan(dot)com(dot)au, leave a comment on the product or submit a form on the Contact Page. We'll jump right on it.
How do I leave a review / comment on a product?
Scroll to the bottom of the product page and you'll find the reviews section. 🙂
How can I see products that I've bookmarked?
On every product you have the ability to 'Bookmark' the product. By doing this it will be added to your Dashboard. Click on your profile picture at the top right of the page and click 'Dashboard' from the drop down. You'll then be able to see all products that you've bookmarked (as well as products you've submitted and upvoted, too!).

Have more questions? Email us at josh(at)buyvegan(dot)com(dot)au or visit the Contact Page.