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I’m Loving This Vegan Tofu Scramble
As the saying goes, money can't buy you happiness. This time happiness comes in the form of a scrambled egg replacement that I actually enjoy. Right now it just doesn't exist in supermarkets, so I found one that I'm happy to make erryday.
So, I sat down and did what I do best - Google - until I found a recipe that had photos and recipe that looked like what I was seeking. Something gooey, wet and yellow that had some love in it. And that's where I found Loving It Vegan's epic recipe. In fact, it's so epic that I've been bottling it up and labeling it 'liquid gold'.

I've been eating this tofu scramble daily (yep, seriously - daily) for the last month. It's just that good. It goes super well with any type of green mixed through - I use kale and spinach - and is perfectly topped off with some chopped chives. Eat it by itself, or on toast - you will not be disappointed.
So, I cold repeat everything that the author of the recipe wrote - but why would I do that? Click on through here to read the full recipe and preparation instructions. Then, once you've eaten it all and are sitting there in a food coma because you ate way too much, mosey on over back to this blog and let me know how you liked it!
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